Essex County Youth Soccer Association

New Referee Orientation Meetings


This page has been updated for the Spring 2025 Season

About New Referee Orientations

NROs are primarily for referees who have yet to set foot on a field as a referee. They will be fun, informative, and friendly.

Brand new certified referees who wish to officiate ECYSA games must attend one of these orientations. If you have never set foot on a field as a referee in ECYSA, attending one is mandatory. If you don't have much referee experience, you should attend an orientation. It will be very helpful. There is no cost to you. ECYSA runs these. You need not sign up at You do however need to let Ben Reed know in advance, via email, which one you will attend.

If you are under 18 years of age, it would be helpful (and strongly encouraged) if a parent could stay for the class.

These will be done on Zoom. I strongly suggest being on a computer, if possible. An email with a link will be emailed 24 - 48 hours prior to the session.

What You Will Learn

These orientations are designed to teach the nuts and bolts of refereeing in ECYSA. We will cover pregame duties, game management, whistle use and mechanics, and post-game duties.

In addition, you will:

  • Get to meet your assignor face to face in a small group.
  • Learn how to properly check in a team by ECYSA standards.
  • Learn hints and refereeing tricks of the trade.
  • Learn other refereeing basics, too

What you will need

  • Paper and something to write with.

You will need to fill out a W-9 form and get it to the ECYSA Accountant, Steven Heintzelman, electronically. You can find the forms at This form is required and stays with the ECYSA Accountant. If you don't fill it out, you won't get paid. Email the filled out form to

Spring 2025 Orientation Meetings Schedule

All orientations will be held via Zoom.

DateStart TimeEnd TimeWhere
Sunday, March 96:30 PM8:30 PMVia Zoom
Saturday, March 229:30 AM11:30 AMVia Zoom
Saturday, March 299:30 AM11:30 AMVia Zoom
Sunday, April 66:30 PM8:30 PMVia Zoom
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